Pension Services

Office of the Accountant General AJ&K is maintaining database of more than 48000 Pensioners across the state. All the Pensioners are being paid monthly Pension through SAP DCS.

Pensioner's Card

The issuance of an identity document like pensioner card was a major demand of the pensioners for identification purpose. Now a pension card has been designed and being issued to the pensioners. Download Pensioner ID Card Circular and Request Form. (Specimen of the Pensioner ID card is given below.

Employees can calculate their monthly pension and commutation through the link provided below.

Pension Commutation Table

Pension Case Requirements

Following Documents to be presented to Account office for processing of pension cases.

(A) Forwarding Memo from his/her department duly stamped

  1. and signed by Pension Sanctioning Authority (PSA).
  2. Three photographs of the Pensioner shall be attested by the designated officer of Department preferably DDO. The attestation must be done by named/designation stamp and date.
  3. Three attested photo copies of pensioner’s Computerized
    National Identity Card (CNIC). Duly attested by DDO concerned with named/designation stamp and date.
  4. Photocopies of the Computerized National Identity Card
    (CNIC) of his/her family members duly attested by the DDO concerned with named/designation stamp and date.
  5. List of family members showing their names, Age and
    Date of Birth, Relation with Pensioner (Duly attested by the Head of the Department).
  6. Last Pay Certificate (LPC) till date of retirement and pay stoppage certificate duly signed by the DDO. Overpayment if any be recorded on reverse of LPC (duly signed by the DDO).
  7. Complete leave account duly signed by the DDO for
    non-gazetted officials.
  8. Original orders of retirement order/notification.
  9. Declaration, undertaking and option for commutation
    (signed by the Pensioner and attested by the DDO/Sanctioning Authority).
  10. Last computer pays lip (duly attested by DDO)
  11. Specimen signatures, Thumb & Figures impression of
    Pensioner, Postal Address / Contact numbers;
  12. No demand certificates issued by his / her department


  1. In case of Non-Gazetted Govt. servants the Service Book
    should be attached after completing the following…
    • The Service Book may be completed in all respects i.e.,
      Name, Father Name, Date of Birth, Signature / Thumb Impression if the Govt. servants, Nationality, Religion etc. and be attested with full dated signature.
    • Appointment entry may be made in the Service Book with Office Order No. & Date.
    • Service verification for the entire period of his
      service should be recorded duly numbered.
    • Periodical entries of pay must be recorded in Service
      Book as well as Leave Account.
    • Entries of all kinds of leave should be recorded in
      the Service Book.
    • Entries of Departmental Pay fixation/Move-over /
    •  up-Gradation / reversion on the eve of Promotion/ Selection Grade may be recorded in the Service Book.
    • Entries of stoppage of increments etc. may be recorded
      in Service Book.
    • Entry of Suspension re-instatement, Removal, Dismissal
      reversion willful absence etc. should be recorded in the Service Book.


    • Pay fixation by the Audit (Pay Fixation Party).
    • Detail of recoveries of Overpayment Pointed out by the
      Audit (Pay Fixation Party).
    • In case the recovery has been made Good through
      Treasury Challan, the same may be verified by the State Bank / Treasury Officer.
    • Entries regarding transfer / deputation / Retirement may be made in Service Book.
    • In case of invalid Pension, the original Medical Board papers should be submitted with the case. 
    • Overwriting, erasing, tempering and cutting in the recorded date of birth in the Service Book should strictly be avoided (As well as in name, Father Name)
    • Entry regarding court decision as well as entry of
      Departmental implementation order may be made in Service Book.
    • Present Postal Address in the relevant column of
      pension papers along with contact telephone number of the pensioner.
    • All entries should be neat & clear. Overwriting, cutting, remaining, tempering, erasing should strictly be avoided.


  1. In case of death during service the following documents
    should be submitted in addition to the above 
    • List of Family members showing their names age/ date of birth, relation with Pensioners and Marital Status.
    • Certificates of Non-Separation and Non-remarriage of
      widow /widower (Signed by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer).
    • Guardianship certificate in case of minor children
      (signed by the DDO).
    • A certificate to the effect that children mentioned in
      the list are legitimate and not adopted (signed by the DDO).
    • Death certificate (Original).
    • FRC
    • Three photographs of widow / widows (attested by the
    • Three photo-copies of CNIC of widow/widows (attested
      by the Department).
    • Specimen signature / Thumb and fingers impression slip
    •  (attested by the Department).
    • In case of authorization of family pension to the
      un-married daughter / daughters the non-marriage certificate (signed by the competent authority).


    • A certificate to the effect that there is no other
      widow / widows, son / daughter / daughters of the deceased except shown in the list (attested by the DDO).
    • In case of death after retirement, the application of
      the widow and forwarding memo should be attached with the above documents.
    • In case of Superannuation Pension ONE YEAR before the Date of Retirement the Department shall initiate the case.
    • And in case of Retiring Pension at least THREE MONTHS before the Date of Retirement application shall be preferred.
    • Mandatory FRC issued at least 3 months prior to retirement with list of family members replicated in Pension form.
    • Verification of pay fixation, promotion, demotion, qualifying service, increments, penalties etc. by concerned payroll section.
    • All types of old pension cases (two years and more) shall be endorsed by the department duly approved by administrative secretary.
    • The bank DCS form duly verified by bank manager of the branch;

The last pay slip shall be issued by the concerned payroll and shall be counter verified /signed by AO HR. The verified pay slip shall be attached with the pension case.