Office of the Accountant General 

Azad Government of the State of Jammu & Kashmir

Implementation of SAP in AJ&K

SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in Data Processing. SAP. SAP is a European multinational software company based in Walldorf, Germany. It develops enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations. The company is the world’s leading enterprise resource planning (ERP) software vendor.

SAP was implemented in AG AJ&K in October, 2010 by the Controller General of Accounts Pakistan / AJ&K. At present the system is functioning in main AG office as well as all District Accounts offices including sub office at Islamabad. Main server is located in Accountant General Office Muzaffarabad. The computer labs of districts accounts offices are connected with the main Server through Server through WAN via DSL connection. Lab of district connection. Lab of district Neelum is connected via satellite connection. SAP (HR) module is one of the important module of SAP systems it supports all the business scenarios of HR. Salaries of more than 85000 employees of the AJ&K Government and Pension of more than 43000 Pensioners are processed through SAP.

AJ&K Government employees

Employees email registration portal

Employees and Pensioners are requested to register their email ids (Gmail only) through following link for receipt of change alerts and system generated pay slip in the Email accounts on monthly basis. 

Districtwise strength of employees